it was 5th hour. i was in gym. our teacher told us to sit because there was going to be an announcement. we all wondered what was going on, but sat anyway. our principal came on the intercom...we grew quiet. he announced that a senior from the football team had passed away unexpectedly in the hospital this was completely silent. i looked around...the faces were blank...the smiles had faded and mouths were drawn to creases. the principals voice faded off. we sat. and stared. the bell rang louder than ever. not a single person moved. we sat...stunned. some cried others looked pained. after shuffling out the halls were silent. it had never been so quiet before.
i went to class and sat there just thinking. how would it feel being high on life...on top of the world one day with your friends...having a good time...planning for college not knowing it was your last day? not knowing you wouldn't graduate that year, wouldn't go to college, wouldn't get married or have a family or even get your first real job. not even turn 20 or 40 or even 100. i know, but it just struck me. i think it struck everyone. the quiet made us think about our lives...think about the fact it could happen to anyone at any time. now i didn't know him extremely well, but i knew him as the good guy, always nice to others. i know he will be deeply missed.
today i encourage you to count your blessings, live your life to the fullest, and show your appreciation to others. make today count. and when you start feeling down, remember to be thankful.
(i don't mean for this to be all depressing...take the good from it and realize just how special each day is.)