Saturday, November 15, 2008

my week of doing things for others


  • "It's a happy Monday" cards made their way around. I dropped a few in the library's book return.

  • My friend got her braces off so I bought her a giant carmel apple and left it on her door step.

  • sent this to a friend


  • I gave him a little note.

  • I wrote a bunch of "just because" letters

  • I bought an advent calendar from a kid at school.


  • I filled in for my friend to tutor a student that had a test.


  • sent another letter


  • I took one of the girls I babysit out for chocolate fondue to talk about friends and school.

  • I was a kinda chaperone for one of my friends. He is a year younger and not allowed to go on dates so I took him and the girl he likes to go see high school musical three. (funny, i know)


  • I payed for my friend to come to the football game with me.

Usually I would turn down a lot of these favors, but I decided that this week I was going to help others so I did and I found out that helping other people out and doing nice things put me in a better mood.


Kara said...

how awesome. this is inspiring.

Sachan said...

Way to go! You're an acebird!